The roms-bering-sea code originated in 2009 as a clone of Kate Hedstrom’s branch of the ROMS code (labed as version
Revision: 1076, a variant on the main trunk that included a sea ice module). It was originally used for the northeast Pacific NEP5 domain, and then for the Bering Sea subdomain.
This git repository was initiated on 08/17/2015 in an attempt to bring several slightly different versions of that Bering Sea-specific code together into one cohesive set with version control.
Code overview
This repo includes all code necessary to compile the ROMS executable for this domain. A script,
, is located in the top level folder of this repository, and is currently set up to compile 3 variants of the source code (physics-only, with BEST_NPZ, and with FEAST) on a few select computers. Additional compilation options (for example, adding FLOATS) can be modeled on this example.
We request that users try not to modify any of the files in this repository (including the makefile and nep5.h header file) unless the changes are intended to apply to all future use of the code. Other changes, e.g. adding CPP flags for single set of experiments, should be done via the build script by adding to the MY_CPP_FLAGS
exported variable.
Not in this repo
The compiled executable is not tracked by this repository. Each user should compile the code themselves whenever updates to the source code are downloaded.
I have also not added any input parameter files (,, varinfo.dat, etc.) files or any input forcing files to this repo. There are a few legacy copies of these types of files floating around in the Apps/
folder, but those will not be updated going forward. To keep things as clean as possible, any files that will be changed regularly for individual experiments should be kept outside the repo. Simulations should be run in each user’s own folders, outside of this repository.